Monday, May 3, 2010

Beloved_Child_Clothing A Few New Boy Diapers" Top Few Reasons To Cloth Diaper Your Baby...

Top reasons to cloth diaper

*Cloth diapers are more economical!
Disposable diapers become very expensive when you consider a 2-3 year diapering period. They can only be used once and are then tossed away. They can not be used for a second (or more) child. You can cloth diaper one baby for 3 years for as little as $400!! That’s a savings of $2500 (considering the average family spends $2800-3000 in disposable diapers over 3 years) for one child. Now, how much would you save if you had 2 or 3 more babies? Yes folks, that could mean a savings of almost $8000!! By the way, that initial $400 you spend on cloth diapers? Due to their excellent resale value, you may be able to get as much as half of the money spent on cloth diapers back on an auction site. Try doing that with your used disposables!

Babies are healthier in cloth diapers!

Disposable diapers contain many chemicals, poisons (TBT tributyl tin), dioxins (which are highly carcinogenic) and even perfumes and dyes that are all harmful to your baby and lead to diaper rash. The majority of babies in cloth tend to have less diaper rash as cloth diapers are more breathable and have none of the harmful chemicals or bleaches found in disposables. The gel that is used in disposables to absorb and hold in moisture is known as Sodium Polyacrylate. This substance has been found in the urinary tract of babies and may cause severe diaper rash, chemical burns, and bleeding in the perineum and scrotal tissue. Sodium Polyacrylate was removed from tampons because of its link to Toxic Shock Syndrome!! There are also many studies that have been done to show a direct link between using disposable diapers and childhood asthma as well as an increase in infertility in boys. Considering we have alternatives that are so easy to use today, why take the risk?

Cloth diapers are more reliable and less messy than disposables!

Yes, we are talking about leaks! With a correctly fitted cloth diaper the majority of moms experience less leaking than you get with using disposables. New, modern cloth diapers and covers are so customizable that you have the ability to get a perfect fit on your baby each and every time. Think you will have too much washing to do using cloth? I guarantee it’s no more (maybe even less!) than with disposables. It's a little known secret that the “blow-outs” that occur from leaky solids are actually contained better in cloth. Disposable diapers have a slippery surface to them which causes a "slip and slide" effect with messy, leaky solids. It's not pretty! The textured fabric that cloth diapers are constructed of provides the perfect surface for leaky messes to cling to.

Cloth is more comfortable!

Would you like to wear paper underwear all day? Why would you think your baby thinks any differently? Soft cotton next to a babies tender skin is much more comfortable than paper and plastic. Babies also tend to be changed more frequently in cloth diapers, as opposed to single use disposable diapers, because moms are aware of when baby is actually wet. Just because a disposable “feels” dry, does not mean a baby is not sitting in urine. It just happens to be dry, crystallized urine! And, with the new microfleece fabric used as liners in cloth diapers today, your baby will not have wetness against their skin. The liquid is wicked away to the cotton diaper underneath, keeping baby feeling dry.

Cloth diapering is quick and EASY!

Yes, we said easy! The concept of convenience is a marketing ploy that disposable manufacturers use. They don't what you to know how easy cloth diapering really can be! With new, modern cloth diapers and the many innovative accessories available today, cloth diapering is easy. And it takes no more time to change your baby and run a load of laundry than it does to change your baby, get baby dressed to go out, put baby in a jacket or snowsuit, fasten baby in car seat, get stroller out of car, take baby out of car seat, fasten baby into stroller, go into the mall, weave through the aisle to get to the disposable aisle...wait a minute? This seems like way more work to me!

Cloth Diapering is Fun!

With all the choices in diapers, fabrics, fun prints and colors to choose from and that fact that we can do away with pins, diapering is actually fun! Setting up your cloth diapering layette is just as much fun (maybe more so!) as picking out bedding and blankets. The majority of moms that are cloth diapering love to talk about cloth diapers and how much they enjoy using them. They love to show them off! I don’t know anyone who feels this way about disposables.

Potty learning is easier!

It is a little known fact that cloth diapered children potty learn earlier and with less effort on the part of the parent. Again, cloth diapers are saving our families time! As children are actually aware of the sensation of urinating, the average child that is cloth diapered typically potty learns faster than their disposable diapered friends.

Cloth diapers are better for the environment!

Okay, we just had to throw this in! But you know it’s true!! The average baby will go through6,000 – 10,000 disposable diapers before potty learning. That is a lot of diapers that end up in our landfills. Cloth diapers are less taxing on the environment even when taking the amount of water and energy used to make and wash them.

For more cloth diapers visit our etsy store...

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